Meet your ADHD Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

work with me

As a woman with ADHD, my mission is to guide individuals with ADHD toward improved consistency and well-being. By using a blend of personalized nutritional therapy, coaching, and functional lab testing, we’re able to take a holistic approach to acknowledge and understand your individual history, experience, ADHD symptoms, as well as challenges and goals.

It’s through this approach that I’m able to support individuals along their unique path to feeling their best and most vibrant selves. 

Contributing to a greater sense of well-being and enabling individuals with ADHD to thrive in their daily lives 

my mission

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, iACTcenter Associate Coach

Hi, I'm Leah


Realizing how ADHD had impacted my self-esteem, well-being, and relationships, a formal diagnosis became a gateway to self-acceptance and self-love. It has helped me become more aware of my thoughts and behaviors, including my eating patterns and habits.

Having spent the majority of my life undiagnosed, I know what it's like to feel different and overwhelmed with everyday tasks.


Finding myself constantly diving into new hobbies, battling the impulse to interrupt during conversations, and feeling overwhelmed by noisy environments. Tackling big projects is a struggle, keeping a routine feels like a challenge, and managing my emotions is no easy feat.

My symptoms persisted into adulthood, prompting me to question, "Why am I different?"

Diagnosed with combined-type ADHD as an adult, I realized that throughout my childhood and teenage years, I was masking my ADHD symptoms to conform to societal expectations. As a child, I appeared as the talkative girl who loved to stay active, resisted bedtime at all costs, excelled in creative activities, and engaged in debates with adults – seeming mature beyond my years.


And this is my hope for every individual with ADHD – to confidently show up for yourself and to embrace the best and healthiest version of you.

Learning to manage my energy and stress levels, mastering nutrient-packed cooking in the kitchen, recognizing trigger foods, prioritizing brain-boosting vitamins and minerals, and shifting my perspective on movement and food as a neurodivergent woman, has significantly enhanced my quality of life. It's strengthened my relationships and boosted my self-confidence.

Healing begins with being heard, which means your unique background, ADHD symptoms, experiences, challenges, and goals are at the heart of this journey. I embrace diversity, fostering a welcoming environment where individuals of all backgrounds and neurodivergences feel valued, respected, and empowered on their path to optimal health and well-being.


In today's online world, we're bombarded with tons of health products and advice, making it hard to know where to turn. But by zeroing in on your specific challenges and goals, we can ignore the distractions and focus on the basics to reach your best health. Even with our hectic schedules, taking care of our body, mind, and spirit doesn't have to be stressful. With the right tools, you can develop habits that fit your life, leading to a more balanced and peaceful way of living.


Health and wellness can feel overwhelming and intimidating. Let's face it, changing our habits is HARD. Just think of me as your biggest cheerleader and most supportive friend. Whenever things get tough, I'll be here to cheer you on and remind you to keep going because you're beyond capable and above all, you deserve to feel amazing.


The journey to optimal health should be transformative and invigorating. By identifying what brings joy into your life, we can incorporate enjoyable activities into your plan. Let's celebrate both big and small victories. Fun isn't merely an option; it's an essential component of achieving a vibrant and balanced life.


✔ Improved focus and concentration
✔ Sustained energy
✔ Decreased fatigue and jitteriness
✔ Stable mood and reduced emotional swings
✔ Mastery of stress management techniques
✔ Enhanced executive function skills
✔ Better sleep quality
✔ Overall improved well-being and quality of life
✔ Relief from symptoms like bloating, fatigue, and acid reflux
✔ Confidence in making healthy food choices
✔ Improved awareness of hunger cues, reducing binge eating tendencies
✔ Knowledge on maximizing nutritional value in food preparation

Are you ready to experience

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Let's start your health journey today 

ready to take the leap?
